Indigenous Hip Hop: Tru Rez Crew — I'm A Lucky One
Activity Information:
Grade Appropriate Level: Secondary
Duration: one class period
Materials: Access to internet. Warning: some explicit language in video. Student worksheet provided.
Explore Indigenous history told through oral stories and music of youth.
Prescribed Learning Outcomes:
Social Studies 12: BC First Peoples.
Using appropriate protocols, interpret a variety of sources, including local stories or oral traditions, and Indigenous ways of knowing (holistic, experiential, reflective, and relational experiences, and memory) to contextualize different events in the past and present (evidence)
Students are expected to know: role of oral tradition for B.C. First Peoples (stories, songs, music, and dance as forms of narrative)

Suggested Instructional Strategies:
1. Review the summary and article about the Indigenous Hip-Hop band that won awards at the Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards.
Tru Rez Crew Big Winners At Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards
At the fifth annual Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards in Toronto, a number of Indigenous bands were big winners, such as Ontario’s Tru Rez Crew, honoured with the Best Rap or Hip-Hop Album award for their recent release, "Ain’t No Turnin’ Back".
The group was also awarded Best Song Single for "I’m A Lucky One”.
The video for "I'm A Lucky One" was shot entirely on the Six Nations of the Grand River Indian Reservation one hour south of Toronto. The song is about being thankful for your family and friends, and about making the right decisions in life. It's about looking towards the future and trying hard to succeed, no matter the circumstances. "Even though we may have grown up poor on the rez we can still succeed if we try..." — Jonathan Garlow, Producer of Tru Rez Crew.
The clip was directed by Randy Redroad, and was produced by PJ Thornton. The production company, Big Soul Productions, is an indigenous-owned company based in Toronto.
2. Watch the video I’m a Lucky One here. (Some explicit language)
3. Use the worksheet provided below to explore the video messages and discuss in class.
Related Weblinks:
Band Website:
CBC indigenous hip hop playlist
YouTube channel of Calgary-based indigenous rapper Drezus.
Assessment Strategies:
Evaluation of the activities will be based upon the following:
participation in class discussions/activities
evidence of thoughtful reflections
Did the messages evoke any feeling or opinion in students?
Did students clearly articulate the mood of the video and the main messages?

Some music video assessment tools here: